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Willow Healing Matters - Shifting Pain

How can we shift pain and what are some steps we can take to do this? Come with us as we explore EFT, NET and colours!

Pain is something we don’t want to have in our lives let alone have to address everyday. However, pain is a way our body is giving us a message - letting us know that something is not right usually on an emotional level. The more we ignore pain, the bigger it gets (much like getting a sign from the universe).

There are some ways we can help shift the pain and address the underlying issues - and do these quickly so we can not only let go of some emotions but empower us to return to our lives feeling a little lighter.

Here are some quick ways you can shift pain yourself:

  1. Using the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Fast Protocol - this quick tool can be used by everyone and is a way to quickly shift an emotion to help you be able to do what needs to happen. You can find a video and handy cheat sheet here.

  2. Using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) - I’ve made a little video for you on how you can use EFT to shift pain (please be mindful I do get a little heated on the language front in case you have little ears around).

  3. Using colour - this is one of my favourite new healing techniques. For the area that is hurting, see if you can visualise a colour. Once you have the colour sit with this and wait to see what comes up. It may be images, messages or even a feeling. You can then say ‘I am choosing to let this go for the highest and greater good’ (or whatever resonates'). Once another colour comes in, check in with your pain. You can repeat this until the pain has shifted.

  4. Using a Life Wave X39 patch - not long ago, I was chewing my cheek in my sleep and managed to block my salivary gland. It was incredibly painful and the only way I was able to shift it was by putting pressure on it. I slapped on a Life Wave patch and it was instant relief. These little patches use nanocrystals and your own body heat to create phototherapy - i.e. your own body heat heats up the crystals which then reflect back into your body and do some magic (well they activate stem cells to help healing but I like magic). You can find out more here.

Do you want a more guided approach to your healing? You can book in for a channel and healing session or a medical intuitive session with us. Or check out our other services here.

Please let us know if you tried any of these and how they went!

Happy healing,

Willow Healing

Willow Healing Matters
Willow Healing Matters
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